Stewart Learmonth DAFW and John Crabtree harvesting at Hazeloak Farm
As part of the Pest and Diseases of Truffles and their Host Trees in Australia, a collaborative project between the Department of Agriculture and Food in Western Australia, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Australian Truffle Growers Association and Truffle Producers Western Australia monitoring and research is being undertaken by Stewart Learmonth from DAFWA in a number of trufferies in Western Australia over the Truffle Harvesting Season. Details of truffle harvested are recorded such as depth truffle found, pest damage to truffle and the pests that may have caused the damage. This forms part of the intensive monitoring of pests at properties in Western Australia and the Eastern States along with field trials investigating the management of the major pests that have been identified.
Stewart Learmonth DAFWA examining a pest found in a truffle.